
Lolita wishlist

Hello everyone!  (^▽^)
I'm going to write in English haha, I hope you understand everything.xD
English is not my first language, I hope you forgive me for that.:p

I've seen so much beautiful dresses and so much beautiful coords from other people!
The only thing I own is a replica from Sugary Carnival, but I really really REALLY want a dress from Angelic Pretty or Baby, the Stars Shine Bright. 

That's the reason why I make a wishlist!:P
I'm going to save for those dresses and buy them second hand, if I'm lucky to find someone who sells a dress I want.

Wishlist - Angelic Pretty
Dreamy dollhouse switching JSK in mint

Cherry Berry Bunny OP in blue

Decoration Dream JSK in blue

Milky Planet skirt in yellow (but I love the other colours too♥__♥)

Memorial Cake OP in white

/Adding more dresses soon/